The Pack
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Is a highend gun everything?

As we came to the field with our extremely modest equipment, we noticed that nearly every other player besides us had top of the line markers, loaders, and even shoes. Before the start of the tourny, a player from another team said to Jon, "I see you got your wal-mart eradicater." as he laughed (of course his whole team had $700+ guns with Halo loaders). It wasn't so funny later when The Pack totally annihilated that guys team as the owner of the field said and I quote "He's pimpin the speedball tourny with a fifty dollar wal-mart gun!" You see its the not the gun, its the guy connected to the fingers that are operating the trigger!

  The Pack

Our team is the Pack, our goal is simple. Our goal is to come out on top by playing our best and using everyones strengths to their full potential.

Current Events

The Pack placed third in the rookie B class for speedball at darkside paintball arena (2/26/2006). It was awesome. The pack took home 3 Empire 3+2 fastpacks as their prizes, but more importantly took home the experience and the respect.

Darkside Paintball

American Paintball Players Association

The Pack is registered with the APPA. Click the link below to go to APPA website where you can see other teams and events.

American Paintball Players Association

For the small speedball course of Darkside in Brookings, The Pack used a double-crossfire tactical strategy that after tweaking to perfection, led the pack to win 4 consecutive games!